Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy

Is your child late to talk or frustrated because they can’t clearly express their needs? Do they misunderstand instructions or have trouble following directions? Does your child struggle to connect with others during free play? If so, your child may benefit from a consultation with one of our speech therapists to see if speech therapy would be a helpful support.

Speech therapy can address challenges in expressive and receptive language, both of which can impact important areas in a child’s life, like academics and social skills. Your speech therapist (also called a speech and language pathologist, or SLP) can support you and your child to learn strategies to help them communicate with others, follow directions, and develop conversational skills in order to make meaningful friendships. Your speech therapist can also collaborate with other members of your care team — like your child’s pediatrician, therapist, and/or occupational therapist — to support other areas of development, such as emotion regulation and play skills. 


To get started, schedule a
complimentary 15-minute consultation. 

To get started, schedule a
complimentary 15-minute consultation. 

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We have partnered with Mentaya to help clients use their out-of-network benefits to save money on therapy.

Use this tool to see if you qualify for reimbursement for our psychotherapy services.